You don't have to guess!

Profitability Toolkit

Tools to Survey your Students and Gauge Interest in YTT

So you're thinking of running a Yoga Teacher Training?


We are Aruna and Claire, two experienced yoga teachers who've been offering Yoga Teacher Training since 2012.  We've helped yoga teachers from around the world offer a 200 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher Training. We can help you get your Teacher Training going!

But if you're not sure if offering YTT is going to profitable, we recommend starting with your students.  Are they interested?

Use these free tools to gauge your profitability so you don't have to guess about your success. 

You Don't have to Guess about this Decision

You can have everything you need to offer a yoga teacher training, a manual, lesson plans, an approved Yoga Alliance RYS, but if you don't have enough students, what's the point?

Make an Informed Decision on Your Next Step
This Free Student Feedback Kit gives you tools to survey your students so you don't have to guess if your program will be profitable.  Use the kit to see how your students respond.  If your students show no interest, then there is no point investing in a training. If you have a lot of interest, open registration asap to serve those students before they go somewhere else.

But smart businesses don't guess about these kind of decisions, they do the research first.

Do Your Research Before You Build It

The resources in this kit help you survey your students in class, online, and/or with a Free Info Session about Yoga Teacher Training.  Then see who responds.

Base Your Decision on the Evidence

Once you see who responds and how serious they are about signing up, then make a decision about offering training and how fast you need it.

It's a smart way to see if it will be worth investing in becoming a Trainer. You test the water before you jump in with your time, energy, and resources.

Free Previews Here:

What's in the Profitability Toolkit

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Profitability Toolkit


  • Discover How Many of your Students want Training
