How Experienced Yoga Teachers can have a Yoga Teacher Training School

using the Yoga Trainer Fast Track Program

Find out how you can start offering a 200 HOUR YOGA TEACHER TRAINING to your Students

Become the Lead Trainer in your own Yoga school quickly and simply.

The practical and straight forward Yoga Trainer Fast Track program guarantees the approval of your Yoga school application.

PLUS you'll get everything you need to lead powerful and impactful 200 hour yoga teacher trainings with ease.

Course Curriculum

Course Pricing

More Info on Trainer Fast Track


  • There is a Fast Track to Leading a YTT

    • Learn how you can get Professional Manuals and Lesson Plans students love
    • Discover an Online Learning Site that saves you time and money as a Trainer
    • See how the Fast Track takes the guess work out of Promoting your Training
    • Learn how to get your Yoga Alliance RYS approval done